est. july 2022


What is Archon Tarot?

Archon Tarot is a tarot service (jasa tarot) and for those who need spiritual guidance, advice, or just a place to let out what's been on your mind. What we offer is spiritual guidance by conveying spirit's or the universe's messages curated and delivered just for YOU! There are no time limits to our intuitive readings and consultation, as we believe in the wholeness of relaying messages takes patience and our full attention, so that we can give you a better reading as well as a greater understanding towards you, our beloved Archonian.

What we offer you:

✧ Interactive and live readings. We want to give you the ultimate and full experience of your readings, so all of our readings are interactive, timeless, and personal!
✧ Timeless readings. Yes, that's right, semua reading (tarot, birthchart, consultations) tidak menggunakan batas waktu. Hanya saja, durasi sesi reading akan tergantung jumlah kartu yang akan keluar, berapa pertanyaan yang kamu inginkan, dan messages dari spirit guides kamu. Biasanya, reading berdurasi sekitar 45 menit hingga 2 jam.
✧ Tarot Readings: Pembacaan tarot secara intuitf menggunakan beragam dek kartu tarot dan oracle sesuai kebutuhan kamu sekarang.
✧ Divine Consultations: Mulai dari spirit animal/guide readings, the law of attractions, the art of manifestation, crystal consultations, hingga moonology tentunya ada di Archon!
✧ Birthchart Readings: A complete reading of your personal birth chart according to the aspect you want to focus on.
✧ Seasonal readings: We also provide and curate seasonal readings, such as Saturn Returns, zodiac seasons, Mars Retrograde, and more!
✧ All readings are available in Indonesian and English. Mostly readingnya akan berbahasa Indonesia, tetapi akan tetap ada beberapa jargon atau istilah dalam bahasa Inggris!

Sorry, we don't do:

✧ Future predictions. Maaf, kami nggak bisa baca atau meramal masa depan karena tarot reading kami di sini adalah membaca energi dan menyampaikan pesan spirit/universe ke kamu. We might be able to feel the possibilities based on your current energies, but not predict.
✧ Terawangan, pencarian barang hilang, pencarian orang atau hewan hilang.
✧ Reading atau consultations di atas jam 9 malam (WIB). Mona dan Venti juga butuh waktu istirahat, jadi pastikan kamu booking jam yang sesuai dengan reader dan kamu sendiri yaaa.
✧ Pembacaan tarot untuk artis, tokoh penting, K-idol, karakter fiksi, atau orang-orang terkenal yang TIDAK memiliki koneksi personal dengan kamu.



✧ Open from 9 AM - 9 PM. Tolong diingat bahwa semua jasa yang kami tawarkan juga menguras tenaga, jadi mohon pengertiannya jika Mona dan Venti hanya bisa beberapa reading per hari (maksimal 3-4 reading per hari).✧ Pastikan saat memesan atau booking kamu sudah YAKIN, karena readings kami unrefundable alias TIDAK BISA REFUND jika sudah bayar.✧ All payments should be made a maximum of 1 HOUR before your reading appointment.✧ Readers will wait for max. 10-20 minutes from the initial appointment time. Don't be late!✧ This is a safe space and we put your comfort first, all readings are confidential! You can choose where to have your reading as well.✧ If you'd like to recommend us to a friend or mutual, please do! You can recommend us through Twitter mention or DM.✧ When recommending to friends, PLEASE DO NOT SHARE OUR READER'S PERSONAL WHATSAPP NUMBER, KKT ID, OR TELEGRAM NUMBER/ID. Please respect our privacy as well, all recommendations are welcome through Twitter.✧ Please be patient, don't rush our readers or the reading session, and please be nice.
Jangan memburu-burukan reader seperti "kak?? mana?" atau "kak? kok ngilang?" karena kami melakukan reading secara intuitive, dan ketika dipotong, diganggu, atau diburu-burukan, hasil reading kamu tidak akan optimal. Selain itu, mohon baca semua rules dan pricelist ketika ingin memesan reading agar tidak ada kesalahan atau kesalahpahaman yang terjadi. Jika masih ada hal yang ingin tanyakan atau ada yang dibingungkan, jangan sungkan tanya Venti atau Mona, ya!

Our readers are experienced and well-versed in tarot, the divine, and astrological topics, with each reader having their own specialty! Both of our readers are legal above 21 years of age.

Mona 🌙

The moon of Archon Tarot. Goes by she/her pronouns. Does not play Genshin but is very knowledgable and experienced in divination and spirituality, just like Mona Megistus!
Open for tarot readings, divine consultations, moonology, crystal healing, and birth chart readings. Her consultations are available on Twitter and Telegram.

Venti 🍃

The wind of Archon Tarot. Goes by he/they pronouns. Talkative, carefree, and intuitive reader and dream interpreter. Yes, he plays Genshin Impact (gws) and is also a Venti kin! Open for tarot readings, dream consultations, crystal healing, and other divine consultations. His consultations are available on Twitter, Whatsapp, and Telegram.